The Strong Traveller

Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award 2020 !!!


Thank you so much Darellphilip’s Blog for nominating me and my family here at The Strong Traveller, for the one of a kind, Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award! I am truly honoured and this award would definitely lift up my spirit to continue blogging and help budding bloggers to achieve their dreams and reach greater heights in their life.

All of you who are reading the post, do check out his amazing work at Darellphilip’s Blog!

I would also like to thank the creator of this blogging award Vincent Ehindero. Vincent is not only a great blogger but also who aspires to impact others’ lives through personal coaching. Do visit his wonderful blog at, Vincent Ehindero.

Below Are My Responses to Darellphilip’s Questions

1. What is an example of something good to have come from your lockdown experience?

The lockdown has given me newer paths to rethink about my previous choices and gave me an ample amount of time to strategize a further course of action regarding my website and my life as well. I am not sure how far I’m successful or not but yes, one good experience that happened during this period is, I have started giving opportunities to potential and aspiring writers, to enhance and showcase their content writing skills and abilities on our much-renowned platform, The Strong Traveller!

2. Which blog is currently your favourite and post the link here?

Though there are many inspiring bloggers on WordPress, I personally found Cristian Mihai’s blog The Art of Blogging and PoojaG’s blog lifesfinewhine to be my personal favourite. I love the wonderful tips given by Cristian Mihai on his blog and the different posts on the simple learnings of life especially on dealing with anxiety and the shortcomings of everyday life by PoojaG to be very helpful not only for me but for all their readers.

3. Why do you blog?

Well, to be honest, I am not good at any other activities apart from blogging! So yes, blogging came to my life naturally and I never pushed myself for one single day of my life to write blog posts. Moreover, sometimes my family asks me to focus on some basic activities as well when I can’t get out of this blogging world.

4. What are the features of a great blog?

Context is the key!‘ Each and every blogger can definitely create contents, it’s not really a big deal nowadays. But one has to understand the context behind creating his own contents.

5. Who is your favourite writer and why?

Among many respected authors, the first name that comes up my mind is Ruskin Bond! The reason why he is my favourite is his use of simple words to describe the beauty of nature around us fascinate me more than anyone.

6. What is your favourite book and why?

Well, here as well, I find very difficult to mention one favourite book among several others lying inside my bookshelf.  Norwegian Wood, one of the best-seller novels by Haruki Murakami is one of my most favourite books of all time. The book is not like any other book for me, moreover, this is my most favourite because I can deeply relate to Toru Watanabe, a college student in Tokyo and his nostalgic ‘story of loss and burgeoning sexuality.’

7. Where in the world would you like to take a vacation?

For me, I don’t really believe in the concept of taking a vacation. The world is too big to go for a vacation for a limited number of days. Moreover, I would love to live in the green foothills of the great Himalayas to quench my wondering thirst for peace, tranquillity and wisdom!

8. When is the best time to write/blog?

Writing or blogging is something that comes like the way I drink water whenever I’m thirsty. When I feel I’m so much full with words inside my mind and there are no other ways around to quench my passion for shaping my thoughts into words, I sit down on my laptop and go on writing until I feel, I’m super hungry for the delicious meal of the day!

9. Where does your motivation to write/blog come from?

Motivation is something that cannot be measured in terms of facts, figures and numbers. I remember one day, I saw a poor little kid beside a road in India, who had both of his hands paralysed. He could never use his hands to perform basic activities. But surprisingly he used the toes to draw beautiful sketches of the people passing by. The one thing I learnt about, what does motivation really mean from that kid was, it’s the principal driving force from within that makes you do wonderful things in the world. For me, blogging is something that helps me to become a better human being every single day and evolving myself to inspire others those who are around me.

10. If you had the opportunity to be stuck on a desert island with anyone from history to the present day, who would that person be and why?

Well, definitely I would love to be stuck on a desert island with the love of my life, away from the hustle-bustle of our cities for the infinity and beyond!

I really enjoyed answering all beautiful the questions given to me by Darellphilip and thank you once again for giving the wonderful Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award!

blogger award

Now I would like to nominate other fellow bloggers to take part and use the best of this wonderful opportunity to connect with each other!

My Nominees:

1. Delusional Bubble

2. Lampelina

3. Silly Old Sod

4. Cyranny’s Cove

5. susiesopinions

6. lifesfinewhine


8. Dumbest Blog Ever

9. Wandering Ambivert

10. Eclipsed Words By Aishwarya Shah

Questions for the Nominees:

1. Why do you blog?

2. Who is your favourite writer and why?

3. Where does your motivation to write/blog come from?

4. What activities inspire you to feel like you are living your life to the fullest?

5. If today were the last day of your life, what would you be proudest of?


1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.

2. Make a post of the award (with a photo of the logo).

3. Post the rules.

4. Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.

5. Nominate 10-30 other bloggers (or more) and notify them.

Let’s use this opportunity to the fullest and connect with each other for building a better & sustainable blogging community.

In order to do that, like & follow The Strong Traveller and drop your blog links below in the comments box so that we can check out your amazing blog and follow definitely!

Arkaprabha Das is the Founder & Editorial Chief at The Strong Traveller. He has always been a man of many caps. Apart from being an MBA professional, he is a full-time freelance writer and possesses the mind & heart of a true entrepreneur! You can always reach out to him at



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